This is much higher compared to the JPEG format which has 8 bits per channel.

Raw images by the top Panasonic cameras have either 12 or 14 bits of intensity data per channel. The raw images taken are in different dimensions, mainly depending on the geometry of the lens used. These cameras have modern designs which allow them to capture even variation in colors when taking raw images. The most popular cameras in taking these raw images are the Panasonic LX7 and the LX5. To open the images you have to start by converting them into one of the most popular formats. However, the format does not open in most popular applications. You can add or remove some aspects from these raw images with minor struggle. Many professional photographers like the Panasonic Lumix Raw images because the images are easier to edit. RW2 is a RAW image format taken by the Panasonic Lumix digital cameras.